Highview Roleplay
HVRP | Statistics
🔒 ・All Members:
🔒 ・Members:
🔒 ・Goal: 100 Members!
🌴 Welcome to HVRP 🌴
HVRP | Server Information
HVRP | Development Team
HVRP | Store
HVRP | Public Section
HVRP | Censored Member
HVRP | Donators
HVRP | Voice Channels
🔊・Voice 1
🔊・Voice 2
🔊・Voice 3
🔊・Voice 4
HVRP | Open Interviews
🔊・Interview Waiting
🔊・Interview Room 1
🔊・Interview Room 2
🔊・Interview Room 3
🔊・Interview Room 4
HVRP | Server Discords
HVRP | Recruitment
HVRP | Applications
HVRP | Staff Voices
🔊 ・Staff RTO
🔊・Staff Waiting Room
🔊・Staff Voice 1
🔊・Staff Voice 2
🔊・Staff Voice 3
🔊・Staff Voice 4
HVRP | RTO Channels
👮・Blaine County RTO
👮・Los Santos RTO
👮・Federal RTO
👮・10-1 Channel #1
👮・10-1 Channel #2
👮・10-1 Channel #3
👮・10-1 Channel #4
👮・Incident Channel #1
👮・Incident Channel #2
👮・Incident Channel #3
👮・Incident Channel #4
📡・Blacksite RTO
HVRP | High Command
HVRP | Discord Logs
HVRP | Duty Logs
HVRP | Management Info
HVRP | Server Logs
HVRP | Ownership Office's
🔊・Ownership Waiting
💍・Exempt Office
HVRP | Management Office's
🔊・Management Waiting
⚽・Exempt Office
HVRP | General Support
HVRP | Staff Report
HVRP | Merge / Transfer Tickets
HVRP | Management Request
HVRP | Department Ticket
HVRP | Ban Appeals
HVRP | Founder
HVRP | Owners
HVRP | Co-Owners
SDJRP | Ownership Team
Highview Roleplay Security™
HVRP | Status
HVRP | Certified Bots
HVRP | Bots™
HVRP | Head Of Management
HVRP | Senior Management
HVRP | Management
HVRP | Junior Management
HVRP | Trial Management
HVRP | Management Team
HVRP | Security Admin
HVRP | Pearce's Assistant
HVRP | Blacklist Perms
HVRP | Global Ban Key
HVRP | Ban Perms
HVRP | Timeout Perms
HVRP | Kick Perms
HVRP | Role Perms
HVRP | Senior Head Administrator
HVRP | Head Administrator
HVRP | Junior Head Administrator
HVRP | Senior Administrator
HVRP | Administrator
HVRP | Junior Administrator
HVRP | Senior Moderator
HVRP | Moderator
HVRP | Trial Moderator
HVRP | High Staff Team
HVRP | Senior Staff Team
HVRP | Staff Team
HVRP | Support Team
HVRP | Staff Trainer
HVRP | Staff Interviewer
HVRP | Needs Training
HVRP | Needs Interview
Staff | Under Investigation
Ownership Assistants
HVRP | Staff Director
HVRP | Assistant Staff Director
HVRP | Staff Coordinator
HVRP | Staff Manager
HVRP | Department Director
HVRP | Asst Department Director
HVRP | Department Coordinator
HVRP | Gang Director
HVRP | Gang Coordinator
HVRP | Store Manager
HVRP | Business Management
HVRP | President
HVRP | Retired Management
HVRP | Events Team
HVRP | Media Team
CIA Overseer
HVRP | CIA Command
HVRP | CIA Supervisor
HVRP | DHS Command
HVRP | DHS Supervisor
HVRP | Server Booster
HVRP | Ultimate Donator
HVRP | Donator
HVRP | Owners Garage
HVRP | Top G's
Donator | Ultimate VIP
Donator | Elite VIP
Donator | Premium VIP
Donator | Car Radio
Donator | LEO Pack #1
Donator | LEO Pack #2
Donator | LEO Pack #3
Donator | LEO Pack #4
Donator | LEO Pack #5
Donator | Civilian Pack #1
Donator | Civilian Pack #2
Donator | Civilian Pack #3
Donator | Civilian Pack #4
Donator | Animated Pack
Donator | Truck Pack
Donator | Mark II Weapons Pack
Donator | Heavy Weapons Pack
Donator | Tactical Operations
Donator | Personal Owner
Donator | Narcotics Pack
Donator | AP pistol
HVRP | LEO Application Reviewer
HVRP | Department Investigator
HVRP | Department Interviewer
HVRP | Department Supervisor
HVRP | Retired High Command
SAST | High Command
SAST | Supervisor
San Andreas State Trooper
BCSO | High Command
BCSO | Supervisor
Blaine County Sheriff's Office
LSPD | High Command
LSPD | Supervisor
Los Santos Police Department
USSS | High Command
USSS | Supervisor
United States Secret Service
FBI | High Command
FBI | Supervisor
Federal Bureau of Investigations
USBP | High Command
USBP | Supervisor
United States Border Patrol
FAA | High Command
FAA | Licence
FAA | Department Pilot
SAFR | High Command
SAFR | Supervisor
San Andreas Fire Rescue
SADPS | High Command
SADPS | Supervior
San Andreas Department Of Public Safety
HVRP | Whitelisted Gang Member
HVRP | Any Department
HVRP | Whitelisted LEO
HVRP | Muted
LEO Cooldown - 2 Weeks
HVRP | Community Member
HVRP | Verified
HVRP | First 100 Members
HVRP | Censored Member
HVRP | Needs Verification
HVRP | Server Status Notified
HVRP | Change Log Notified
HVRP | Patrol Notified
HVRP | Hall Of Shame Notified
HVRP | Blacklisted LEO
HVRP | Blacklisted Development Team
HVRP | Blacklisted Public Officer
HVRP | Blacklisted GSP