ThatsDeveloperJalaxy's server
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    LOA | Leave of Abuse
    I | MSRP | Owner of Helena
    I | MSRP | Owner2
    I | MSRP | Co Owner
    I | MSRP | Owner Assistant
    I | MSRP | Co Owner Assistant
    I | MSRP | Ownership Team
    I | MSRP | Founder
    I | MSRP | Deputy Founder
    I | MSRP | Co Founder
    I | MSRP | Deputy Co Founder
    I | MSRP | Foundership Team
    I | MSRP | Server Manager
    I | MSRP | Community Manager
    I | MSRP | Staff Director
    I | MSRP | Chief of Staff
    I | MSRP | Deputy Chief of Staff
    I | MSRP | Head of Staff
    I | MSRP | Deputy Head of Staff
    I | MSRP | Director of Internal Affairs
    I | MSRP | Deputy Director of Internal Affairs
    I | MSRP | Internal Affairs Commader
    I | MSRP | Internal Affairs Deputy Commader
    I | MSRP | Internal Affairs Supervisor
    I | MSRP | Sr. Internal Affairs
    I | MSRP | Jr. Internal Affairs
    I | MSRP | Internal Affairs
    I | MSRP | Internal Affairs in Training
    I | MSRP | HR Team
    I | MSRP | Head Admin
    I | MSRP | Deputy Head Admin
    I | MSRP | Sr. Admin
    I | MSRP | Jr. Admin
    I | MSRP | Admin
    I | MSRP | Admin in Training
    I | MSRP | Head Moderator
    I | MSRP | Deputy Head Moderator
    I | MSRP | Sr. Moderator
    I | MSRP | Jr. Moderator
    I | MSRP | Moderator
    I | MSRP | Trial Moderator
    I | MSRP | Moderator in Training
    I | MSRP | Staff Team
    I | MSRP | Director of Discord Moderation
    I | MSRP | Deputy Director of Discord Moderation
    I | MSRP | Discord Moderation Supervisor
    I | MSRP | Sr. Discord Moderator
    I | MSRP | Jr. Discord Moderator
    I | MSRP | Discord Moderator
    I | MSRP | Discord Moderator in Training
    I | MSRP | Discord Staff Team
    I | MSRP | Server Bots
    I | MSRP | Game Development Team
    I | MSRP | Game Developer
    I | MSRP | Ex Staff
    I | MSRP | Head of Media
    I | MSRP | Media
    I | MSRP | Jalaxy Approved
    I | MSRP | SRU FTO.
    I | MSRP | PD FTO
    I | MSRP | PD FTOA
    I | MSRP | FD FTO
    I | MSRP | FD FTOA
    I | MSRP | EMS FTO
    I | MSRP | K9 RANKED
    I | MSRP | Head of K9
    I | MSRP | Asst. Head of K9
    I | MSRP | K9 Supervisor
    I | MSRP | K9 Units
    I | MSRP | Chief of Police
    I | MSRP | Asst. Chief of Police
    I | MSRP | Superintendent
    I | MSRP | Asst. Superintendent
    I | MSRP | Commissioner
    I | MSRP | Deputy Commissioner
    I | MSRP | Deputy Chief
    I | MSRP | Assistant Deputy Chief
    I | MSRP | Colonel
    I | MSRP | Lieutenant Colonel
    I | MSRP | Major
    I | MSRP | Captain
    I | MSRP | Lieutenant
    I | MSRP | Master Sergeant
    I | MSRP | Sergeant
    I | MSRP | Senior Corporal
    I | MSRP | Corporal
    I | MSRP | Trooper First Class
    I | MSRP | Supervisor
    I | MSRP | Trooper
    I | MSRP | Prob. Trooper
    I | MSRP | Fire Chief
    I | MSRP | Asst. Fire Chief
    I | MSRP | Fire Superintendent
    I | MSRP | Asst. Superintendent
    I | MSRP | Commissioner
    I | MSRP | Deputy Commissioner
    I | MSRP | Deputy Chief
    I | MSRP | Asst. Deputy Chief
    I | MSRP | Division Chief
    I | MSRP | Battalion Chief
    I | MSRP | Captain
    I | MSRP | Lieutenant
    I | MSRP | Engineer
    I | MSRP | Firefighter 2
    I | MSRP | Firefighter
    I | MSRP | Probationary
    I | MSRP | Supervisor
    I | MSRP | EMS Chief
    I | MSRP | EMS Asst. Chief
    I | MSRP | Superintendent
    I | MSRP | Asst. Superintendent
    I | MSRP | Commissioner
    I | MSRP | Deputy Commissioner
    I | MSRP | Deputy Chief
    I | MSRP | Asst. Deputy Chief
    I | MSRP | Field Supervisor
    I | MSRP | Captain
    I | MSRP | Sr. Paramdic
    I | MSRP | Paramedic
    I | MSRP | Advanced EMT
    I | MSRP | EMT
    I | MSRP | EMR
    I | MSRP | EMS Supervisor
    I | MSRP | Head of SRU
    I | MSRP | Asst. Head of SRU
    I | MSRP | Director
    I | MSRP | Deputy Director
    I | MSRP | Assistant Director
    I | MSRP | Commander
    I | MSRP | Assistant Commander
    I | MSRP | Colonel
    I | MSRP | Admiral
    I | MSRP | General
    I | MSRP | Captain
    I | MSRP | Brigadier
    I | MSRP | SRU Cadet
    I | MSRP | Community Members
    I | MSRP | Blacklisted From Staff
    I | MSRP | Xbox
    I | MSRP | Playstation
    I | MSRP | Announcements Ping
    I | MSRP | Update Ping
    I | MSRP | Server Start up
    I | MSRP | Training Announcements Ping
    I | MSRP | Private Roleplay Ping
    I | MSRP | Partnership Ping
    I | MSRP | Dead Chat Ping